Media Kit / Specs / Info

Please download the AAEN advertising specifications PDF below for sizing and artwork requirements.

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For pricing information, full media kit or any advertising enquiries please email or phone the office 07 3353 6017


 Australian Workshop Manager

Jan, material by 1st Jan, in the mail 19th Jan

Mar, material by 1st Mar, in the mail 19th Mar

May, material by 1st May, in the mail 19th May

July, material by 1st July, in the mail 19th July

Sep, material by 1st Sept, in the mail 19th Sept

Nov, material by 1st Nov, in the mail 19th Nov

Automotive Electrical & AC News

February, material by 1st Feb, in the mail 19th Feb

April, material by 1st April, in the mail 19th April

June, material by 1st June, in the mail 19th June

August, material by 1st Aug, in the mail 19th August

October, material by 1st Oct, in the mail 19th October

Dec/Jan, material by 11th Nov, in the mail December 1. (early release)

Tyre Business Australia

February, material by 1st Feb, in the mail 19th Feb

April, material by 1st April, in the mail 19th April

June, material by 1st June, in the mail 19th June

August, material by 1st Aug, in the mail 19th August

October, material by 1st Oct, in the mail 19th October

Dec/Jan, material by 11th Nov, in the mail December 1. (early release)


It’s vital that “news” articles in our trade magazine are interesting even if these are product news related. Editorial submissions are welcome however priority will be given to newsworthy items. Our experienced team reserves the right to review and edit material to ensure “articles” are interesting to our readers and fit any space allowances. Editorial submissions will be published at the Editor’s discretion and as this is time consuming will not be returned to supplier for review.