The Latest
Beware! Latest Scam!
AAEN | January 22, 2014Businesses like yours are finding things tough enough as it is without scammers trying to extract even more funds...
Flammable Gas Bottle Bulletin
AAEN | January 22, 2014The WA Dept of Mines and Petroleum have put out an alert* about disposable cylinders with busting discs which...
Lithium-Ion Starter Batteries
AAEN | January 22, 2014Since writing the last article on this subject I attended The Battery Technology Show at Novi in Detroit covering...
New Arkema Gas Facility
AAEN | January 22, 2014ARKEMA TO CONSTRUCT NEW 1234yf GAS FACILITY For quite some time we have been following the progress of HFO-1234yf,...